
Turning Keys into Keepsakes

Hi everyone! I’m Meghan, the founder of KeyPal. I am a student at the University of Tampa studying Communications with a double minor in Sociology and Advertising, and I am in my senior year. Keep reading to learn more about me and get an idea of what my life looks like as a full-time college student with an internship and a job.

I am currently interning for Confetti Events in Tampa. Confetti Events is an event planning company that specializes in weddings and corporate events. As an intern for this company, I assist with the planning and execution of events. Weddings are my favorite type of event to work because it is so exciting to see how happy people are when you successfully bring their dreams to life. Ideally, I would like to pursue event planning as a career. It is something I am super passionate about and would love to continue doing.

During the school year, I work as the Key Manager at the Vaughn information desk. Here, I am responsible for giving out loan keys to students who lock themselves out of their dorm, accepting deliveries, and answering any questions people may have when visiting campus. I love having an on-campus job because it is super convenient and I am able to do homework during work hours.

Starting KeyPal has been a great experience and helped me learn a little about what it is like to own my own little business. Operating this website has been challenging, yet extremely rewarding. I am excited to see where I can implement these skills in my future endeavors.

I will soon be starting my final semester at the University of Tampa and will be graduating in May. This is exciting and I am proud of how much I have grown as a person at this school, but there is also a part of me that is terrified of taking that next step toward becoming a real adult. Feel free to reach out and let me know if you have any advice for me!

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